Accident Preventability Policy, Investigation, Reporting and Confidential Filing
It is a carrier responsibility to develop and implement an Accident Preventability Policy, Accident Preventability Classes and Penalty, Driver Responsibility following an accident, Accident Investigation and Review Policy, Policy for registration, reporting and confidential filing the accidents occurred. FleetSage Inc is offering all kind of professional policies, documents, FMCSA and MTO Rules and Regulations.
We are offering more documents related to carriers accidents and infraction: "Initial Accident Report", "Driver Accident Report", "Security Incident Report", "Carrier Infraction Register Master", Carrier Accident Register Master" Employee Warning Notice", Driver Suspension Letter", Proof of Loss", "Subrogation Demand Claim", "Non-Reported Accident - Final Agreement", FMCSA and MTO Regulation documents, etc.
All documents are in pdf format, except Infraction and Accident Register Masters - in Excel. You are free to contact the FleetSage Inc. through the company email address.
FleetSage Inc is offering paperless registration, investigation and filing of any accident on the road. If, you are looking for saving time, money and filing cabinets space, just contact the Fleetsage Inc through the company email address.
P.S. Every document and Policy can be updated for free on a customer demand
We offer more documents, just in case, and customize all documents by your demand.