Transportation Company Hiring Policy
- Driver Hiring and Retention Strategy Policy applies to all Company Drivers, Owner/Owner-Operators, and all Drivers hired by Owner/Owner-Operators. The policy set forth to ensure compliance with all regulations, legal requirements, insurance requirements and company procedures.
- Driver Hiring Procedure is an amendment to the company Hiring Policy. The amendment explains each document part of the Driver Application forms, from the point of view of FMCSA and MTO regulators.
- Company Hiring Policy - Amendment - Mentor Program outlines the company Pre-Employment Initial Orientation in the next steps: Program Eligibility, Selection Process and Training, Coaching and Review Process. The Mentor Program allows the company to organize training of applicants with different experience, from ELDT - Entry Level Driver Training to Stream #2 and Stream #3 applicant with less than 3 years experience to a regular applicant with 3 and more years of experience on the road.
- If you are looking for a "paperless" Application Form documents with FMCSA and MTO compliance and "paperless" Pre-Employment Orientation training process, including interactive programs, Road Test, etc., for all categories drivers including ELDT, Stream #2, Stream #3, regular applicant, please contact FleetSage Inc through the company email address. The software is so artificially sophisticated, even the company HR specialist do not have to contact previous employers. The software is sending emails automatically (at least three times) "Work History", "Form 301" and "Form 413" documents to each of previous employers. We will organize a presentation of our software at you office, or you prefer online, and you will get access to our regular service at an very affordable price.
- P.S. Every document and Policy can be updated for free on a customer demand
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